Yayasan Astra Agro Lestari (YAAL)

Yayasan Astra Agro Lestari (YAAL)
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Yayasan Astra Agro Lestari (YAAL) was established in 2010 with the vision of establishing the best schools in plantation areas through better education for families of employees and the surrounding communities, and producing graduates with good academic records, Innovative, good characters, concerns for health, safety and the environment. YAAL has built schools starting from kindergartens to junior high schools equipped with school management, and develops quality teaching staff. YAAL also provides housing for teaching staff of the fostered schools. Besides internal schools, YAAL also assist 194 external schools owned by the Government which are fostered schools in surrounding village in the Company’s operational areas.

Number of Beneficiaries: 10,734 students (accumulated)

Achievements in 2020:

  • Innovative and Performing Headmaster Awards at the National level from Indonesia’s Cultural and Education Ministry for Astra Agro Lestari Junior High School in Central Kalimantan
  • National Healthy School Champions, representing Central Kalimantan Province, won by SDS Nirmala Cendekia added the achievements by 9 other schools which kept the National Healthy School Champions until 2020.
  • Sekolah Adiwiyata Mandiri received by SMP Astra Makmur Jaya and SMP Pasangkayu in West Sulawesi mantained the Sekolah Adiwiyata status as obtained by 17 other schools.
  • 60 YAAL Schools became role model for the standard of Adiwiyata-based Healthy School and School-based Management (MBS) for 194 Government Schools in Sumatra, Kalimantan, and Sulawesi.
  • School Committees Development through Komite BISA (Astra Character) program in 60 private schools and 194 Government schools through training and implementation of school committee-based participative assessment for the increase of Education Quality in fostered schools.
  • Creating Local Content Curriculum (Mulok) of (Palm Plantation Environmental Education (PLKS) applied in 60 private schools as a Local Content reference for environmental education in External Schools fostered by Yayasan Astra Agro Lestari.
  • Achievement of SDS Kimia Tirta Utama in Riau Province as Pilot School in Siak Regency for the implementation of Siak Hijau program.
  • The number of YAAL teaching staff until 2020 were 532 with 10,734 students.